Thursday 29 March 2012

Sudden Random Thoughts

So I am sitting at my desk and in front of me are three styrofoam cups. Two of them have water into which plantlings are stuck. The other is my drinking cup. As I just took a sip of water, this sudden thought flashed through my mind: How similar I am to the plants, depending on water for sustenance. And then, the next thought: God takes care of everything- if it is so for the plants, then what more for me. And the next: The plants get their water and live, standing motionless in that styrofoam cup. As a human being created by God, I get my water and live, and more than that, I must make use of every passing moment to bring Him glory.

Flashback to yesterday, when I was leaving the MRT station on my way home. A sudden bang rang behind me, and the thought came: What if that had been a bomb and I had perished there and then?
1. I wouldn't have suffered because it would have been so quick. In the same way, my family and friends shouldn't put themselves through the torture and bear with any form of pain. They just need to let go.
2. I wouldn't be satisfied because I would be leaving the world without having accomplished anything great for the Lord.
If I bear this in mind constantly, reminding myself of the vulnerability of my very being, the quickness with which this breath can be taken away from me, then perhaps I will learn to live every moment to the fullest. We truly never know when our last moment will be.

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