Saturday 23 June 2012

Reminders to me

I dreamt I was helping around in a hospital, probably as part of a hospital attachment. For some reason, I kept getting caught up with the facilities, the service, etc. to the point that the doctor I was shadowing had to ask: "You're looking at the hospital, but are you looking at the patients?" Only then did I turn my attention to the sickly patients who were obviously in need of emotional and even some practical help. Somehow, I had neglected the people for the things. A timely reminder about the type of attitude I need to have when serving others.

On another note, I just read in a Straits Times news update that from a young age, North Koreans are immersed in a culture and educational landscape that imbibes in them a strong sense of anti-Americanism. While the news is horrifying, it caused me to see even more clearly than before that many of us are moulded so much by the culture that we're born into. In Singapore, we're often taught to be efficient, hardworking, result-oriented, to the point that I feel we value these more than many other important qualities such as love and respect. Even as we gratefully accept the fine education system that our leadership has worked hard to provide us with, let us not allow ourselves to lose our sense of self in pursuing affirmation from this system. Who we are as unique, fearfully and wonderfully made individuals must not be defined by such sad, narrow terms.

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